Refund and Cancellation Policy

1. All leases expire on the last day of each month. Management may terminate said lease at his option if Tenant is not in full compliance with the terms of this Lease, subject to Management’s approval. Tenant’s failure to vacate the premises or remove their their lock on the last day of the month automatically renews the lease for one month.

2. Tenant agrees to give Management ten days written notice of his intention to vacate his storage unit. There are no prorated rent refunds in the event the unit is vacated before the last day of the month. If the unit is vacated on or after the first of the month, a full month’s rent is due.

3. Rental payments are due on the first of each month without demand. Payments made after day 15 of the month are subject to a $10.00 late charge. If rental payments are not paid in full within five days of the due date, including but not limited to payments for late charges, returned check charges, and other miscellaneous charges, Management may, at his option, declare Tenant in default. No notice need be given of default. Management does not send out billings for monthly rental charges; however, a late notice will be mailed to those tenants with a balance due after the 15th of the month.

4. The Tenant will be refunded for any prepaid months that fall after the month of cancellation. Refunds are always payed out via check.